The Faculty of Fine Arts aims to train innovative, original, responsible, respectful, tolerant, fair, pioneer, perspicuous, determined and participative artists and designers. They are expected to have high sensitiveness to aesthetics, aim for perfection, care about and internalize social needs, be committed to ethical values, and be able to generate ideas in the departments of Traditional Arts, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Painting, Ceramics, Cinema and Television, and Basic Education.

Our faculty trains inquisitive, critical, environmentallyconscious, and successful individuals. These people are desired to think globally, have the ability to produce local solutions, provide artistic contributions to human dignity, and care about the peace of our country and the world.

Our graduates can open studios in their fields or work in design agencies and units related to media and communication. In our faculty, there are nearly 800 students and about 50 instructors who train the students for the purpose of making them competent. Our students receive training in the scope of scientific methods including the processes of uncovering the potential of authentic production, developing intuitions, searching, finding out, practicing, trying, auditing, and finalizing through the applied courses related to theoretical and basic education during their studies.

The Departments in the Faculty:

• Art and Design (Master’s Degree)

• Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Bachelor’s Degree)

• Drawing (Bachelor’s Degree)

 Ceramics (Bachelor’s Degree)

• Cinema and Television (Bachelor’s Degree)

Please click here for the website of the Faculty of Fine Arts