2023-2024 International Students Application will be between 03.07.2023 and 21.07.2023Please click here for the EXAMINATION AND CRITERIA which are accepted for application

Please click here to apply for 2023-2024 YÖS.

Please click here Afyon Kocatepe University 2023 YÖS Calendar

AFYON KOCATEPE UNIVERSITY 2022-2023 TUITION FEES (In case of changes in the 2023-2024 Academic Year Tuition Fees, it will be announced on our website.)


Some individuals and/or institutions make unfounded and unknowledgeable posts on social media that they have agreements with our university. It is important that candidates do not take such posts into account in order not to become victims. International student application and admission requirements are announced on the official website of our university (https://yos.aku.edu.tr).

25 Haziran 2023, Pazar 287 kez görüntülendi